Awesome data journalism

A partial, curated list of publicly available, free/open source and open access resources for learning and doing data journalism.
This repository builds on lists and collections of resources from the first and second editions of the open access Data Journalism Handbook and ongoing research on data journalism practices.
It is used and updated as part of open educational resources for the data journalism MA module at King’s College London.
Suggestions for open access resources or links to add are most welcome. The repository for this page is here.
Table of contents
Data journalism learning
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Note: this list focuses on those which are free/open access. There are many wonderful non-free/non-open access books about data journalism (e.g. see here for more).
- Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice (second edition, 2021, also available here and here) - “a diverse collection of perspectives on how data journalism is done around the world and the broader consequences of datafication in the news, serving as both a textbook and a sourcebook for this emerging field”. Translations and associated resources available here.
- The Curious Journalist’s Guide to Data (2016) - “a book about the principles behind data journalism”
- Data Journalism Handbook (first edition, 2012) - “how journalists can use data to improve the news”. Translations available in Arabic, Azerbaijani, Chinese, French, Greek, Japanese, Spanish and Ukrainian.
Learning materials
Further tool-specific tutorials are listed below in the working with data section.
Data journalism updates
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Some reading
Some listening
Some events
Data journalism practices
Critical, reflective, ethical and feminist data practices
Data gathering
Data settings
Data scraping
Data analysis
See also awesome-csv
Data visualisation
see also awesome dataviz
Data journalism awards, prizes and grants
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Data journalism examples
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Links to data journalism teams, sections, dedicated outlets and organisations.
A small selection of portfolios….
Further resources
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